Will Kati Thanda - Lake Eyre flood in 2022?
Water is beginning to travel down the channel country!
Kati Thanda - Lake Eyre South is currently at 1.5m, Madigan Gulf 500mm and Belt Bay 800mm. The salt lake is changing colours and inviting new life into the arid desert. How long it will last will depend on continued rainfall over the coming months, but we love the lake no matter what the colour–always a spectacular sight!
The image below was taken by satellite in 1999. For an interactive view of the floods in 2018 take a look at ABC’s excellent interactive https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-06-26/lake-eyre-and-the-ancient-rhythms-of-our-red-centre/9864010
Image provided by the Goddard Space Flight Center’s Landsat Team and the Australian ground receiving station teams.
This satellite image was acquired by Landsat 7’s Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) sensor on July 29, 1999. This is a false-colour composite image made using shortwave infrared, near-infrared, and blue wavelengths (ETM+ bands 7, 4, & 1). (https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/3309/lake-eyre-south-australia )
Passengers can keep up to date on the lake’s levels here: